Tuesday 14 August 2007

more trash from the other side

The only thing we ever fight is our own ignorance

Fear forces - courage allows

Life is voluntary - death obligatory

As we go through the universe, the universe goes through us (life isn't so much change as 'ex'change)

Religion is not a football match of us against them but all of us against our own ignorance and stupidity

Heaven is release up and out as hell is binding, down and in

We make Go(o)d in our unity and the (D)evil in our disunity

Thought stops action - action stops thought

Today is the reality, tomorrow the dream and yesterday the nightmare

The future is in your hands, the past is at your feet - walk on and pull yourself forward

Nothing matters and every-thing doesn't

You either spend money to save lives or save money at a cost to life

It costs more to start something new (iron out difficulties/ set up new procedures/ experiment) and preserve something old, than it does to continue the established (cheap and plentiful - easy to produce)

How anything works is how everything works

We say things are complicated when we don't want to deal with them and easy (simple) when we do - want to generate interest/ excitement

Life is a joke and death the punchline

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